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Pri­va­te Housing Com­pa­nies

The tur­naround in the en­er­gy tran­si­ti­on

This is PAUL

PAUL in­crea­ses the en­er­gy ef­fi­ci­en­cy of buil­dings and en­han­ces their va­lue thanks to our in­no­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gy that com­bi­nes net­wor­ked hard­ware and Ar­ti­fi­ci­al In­tel­li­gence (AI). En­er­gy and CO₂ sa­vings are achie­ved au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly through in­tel­li­gent con­trol of vo­lu­me flows. Fast, easy and cer­ti­fied. This not only be­ne­fits the cli­ma­te, but also your ten­ants.

PAUL ist TÜV-zertifiziert.

Our customer Wohnraum AG on working with PAUL, energy-saving targets and digitalization (GERMAN)

PAUL Per­for­mance

  • Our PAUL Performance control system provides AI-supported, 24/7 adaptive hydronic balancing
  • The system is TÜV-certified and at least equivalent to hydraulic balancing according to methods A and B (VDZ)
  • The PAUL Performance Regulation is therefore regarded as an equivalent procedure in accordance with GEG Section 60c (3)
  • Since we also have the approval as a specialist company, we can also confirm the proof by signature

Your be­ne­fits using PAUL

Reduktion von Energiekosten und CO₂-Steuern bis zu 40%.


  • You can be sure of an average 15% reduction in energy consumption
  • In many cases, a reduction in heating requirements of up to 40% is possible
  • The energy requirements of your buildings are minimized to the optimum over 10 years
Mit niedrigeren Emissionen aus Ihrem Bestand leisten Sie einen bedeutenden Beitrag zu einem saubereren Klima.


  • You receive a valuable contribution for your ESG report and a quick and cost-neutral solution for the energy transition
  • You create optimal preparation for climate-friendly heat, because PAUL Performance makes your buildings “heat pump ready”
  • With lower emissions from your existing buildings, you make a valuable contribution to a cleaner climate
Durch das Senken der Nebenkosten leisten Sie einen Beitrag zu bezahlbarem Wohnraum.

Va­lue en­han­cing

  • The value of your property increases thanks to an improved energy efficiency class
  • By digitizing your building, you have cost transparency and can also meet future legal requirements
  • Reducing ancillary costs makes your contribution to affordable living space
  • PAUL Hardware
  • PAUL Live
Unsere IoT-fähige Hardware wird am Leitungsnetz installiert und regelt softwaregestützt und automatisch den Volumenstrom der Anlage.

Our IoT-en­ab­led hard­ware is in­stal­led on the pipe net­work and au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly re­gu­la­tes the vo­lu­me flow of the sys­tem with soft­ware sup­port

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) verarbeitet diese Daten, lernt selbstständig, erkennt Einsparpotenziale und regelt die eingesetzte Hardware.

Ar­ti­fi­ci­al in­tel­li­gence (AI) pro­ces­ses this data, learns in­de­pendent­ly, re­co­gni­zes po­ten­ti­al sa­vings and re­gu­la­tes the hard­ware used

Die Anlage-Daten fließen in ein Dashboard und erzeugen einen „Digitalen Zwilling”, mit dem unsere Kunden z.B. Einsparungen prüfen können.

The in­vest­ment data flows into a da­sh­board and crea­tes a “di­gi­tal twin” that our custo­mers can use to check sa­vings

You are in good com­pa­ny: PAUL is al­rea­dy con­nec­ted to 160,000 re­si­den­ti­al units.

Wir schreiben Geschichte: Hier steht, was die Immobilienbranche derzeit umtreibt: Die News & Insights von PAUL, immer aktuell und informativ.

We make histo­ry

Here you can find out what is currently driving the real estate industry: News & Insights from PAUL, always up-to-date and informative.

Alle News & Insights
Investieren in den Klimaschutz: Durch unsere Innovationskraft ermöglichen wir CO₂-Neutralität in Gebäuden, um unseren Planeten lebenswert zu halten.

In­crea­sed va­lue and ef­fi­ci­ent en­er­gy for your buil­dings

We are transforming the real estate market to achieve carbon neutrality before 2045.

About PAUL

Get in con­tact

Chief Sa­les Of­fi­cer (CSO) Dipl.-Ing. Ma­thi­as Neu­mann

Chief Sales Officer (CSO) Dipl.-Ing. Mathias Neumann