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PAUL Net Zero

Achie­ve ma­xi­mum port­fo­lio per­for­mance at mi­ni­mum cost

Sustai­na­bi­li­ty, tech­no­lo­gy in­te­gra­ti­on and in­crea­sing ESG re­qui­re­ments are sha­ping the real es­ta­te mar­ket. PAUL Net Zero of­fers as­set ma­na­gers a tech­no­lo­gy that en­ab­les CO₂ re­duc­tion, sta­bi­li­za­ti­on of ope­ra­ting costs and an im­pro­ve­ment in the long-term re­turn of the port­fo­lio.

PAUL ist TÜV zertifiziert

Im­pro­ve your ef­fi­ci­en­cy, re­du­ce costs and crea­te ad­ded va­lue for your pro­per­ties

Mit niedrigeren Emissionen aus Ihrem Bestand leisten Sie einen bedeutenden Beitrag zu einem saubereren Klima.

Tech­no­lo­gy, sustai­na­bi­li­ty and va­lue en­han­ce­ment

PAUL Net Zero integrates smart technologies to reduce CO₂ emissions and meet ESG standards. This allows you to drastically reduce your operating costs while increasing the long-term value of your properties.

Reduktion von Energiekosten und CO₂-Steuern bis zu 40%.

Mi­ni­mum ef­fort for ma­xi­mum ef­fect

PAUL Net Zero enables the leap to modern energy efficiency, reduced energy costs and CO₂ emissions without expensive complete renovations. Example: In a residential complex, we reduced the flow temperature from 70 °C to 53 °C from day 1.

Ma­xi­mi­zing the re­turn

PAUL Net Zero combines sustainability with returns. You reduce vacancy rates, increase the attractiveness of your properties and promote long-term tenant relationships. This maximizes your portfolio performance and gives you a competitive advantage.

PAUL Tech AG CEO Sascha Müller on the importance of the heating transition for real estate investment companies (German)

  • Investment costs
  • Regulation
  • Tenants
PAUL Net Zero beweist, dass Investitionen in nachhaltige Technologien durch langfristige Einsparungen und Wertsteigerungen amortisiert werden.

PAUL Net Zero pro­ves that in­vest­ments in sustainab­le tech­no­lo­gies are amor­ti­zed through long-term sa­vings and in­crea­ses in va­lue.

PAUL Net Zero bietet umfassende Unterstützung bei der Einhaltung eines Teils der ESG-Vorgaben und anderer wachsender regulatorischer Anforderungen.

PAUL Net Zero of­fers com­pre­hen­si­ve sup­port in com­ply­ing with some of the ESG re­qui­re­ments and other gro­wing re­gu­lato­ry re­qui­re­ments.

Innovative und umweltfreundliche Energielösungen machen Immobilien attraktiver und sichern Ihnen wertvolle und langfristige Mietbeziehungen.

In­no­va­ti­ve and en­vi­ron­ment­al­ly fri­end­ly en­er­gy so­lu­ti­ons make real es­ta­te more at­trac­tive and se­cu­re va­lu­able, long-term ten­ant re­la­ti­ons­hips.

Investieren in den Klimaschutz: Durch unsere Innovationskraft ermöglichen wir CO₂-Neutralität in Gebäuden, um unseren Planeten lebenswert zu halten. ZAR Real Estate tut dies, durch ihre Partnerschaft mit der PAUL Tech AG und dem neuen Produkt PAUL Net Zero

PAUL Tech and ZAR Real Es­ta­te en­ter into part­nership

PAUL Tech AG and ZAR Real Estate announced a pioneering cooperation at EXPO REAL 2024. As part of this partnership, the two companies will jointly present the PAUL Net Zero innovation developed by PAUL Tech.

Learn more

Le­t's talk about how PAUL Net Zero can sup­port you

Ralf Lanz­rath

Head of Marketing

PAUL Tech Ralf Lanzrath, Head of Marketing