Home - Paul Tech

We are PAUL

The pioneers at PAUL develop innovative technologies and solutions to make the energy and heating transition a success. Our mission: to minimize CO₂ emissions from properties and maximize their value.

PAUL en­ab­les CO₂ neu­tra­li­ty in buil­dings to keep our pla­net liveab­le. 

  • Pioneer spirit
  • Economic efficiency
  • Ecological responsibility
Wir nutzen unsere Innovationskraft, um als Pioniere verantwortungsvoll die Immobilienbranche zu transformieren.

We use our in­no­va­ti­ve strength to re­spon­si­b­ly trans­form the real es­ta­te in­dus­try as pioneers.

Wirtschaftlichkeit steht bei uns im Mittelpunkt, um wertsteigernde, effiziente und solide Lösungen zu schaffen.

We fo­cus on cost-ef­fec­tiveness in or­der to crea­te va­lue-en­han­cing, ef­fi­ci­ent and so­lid so­lu­ti­ons.

Wir denken und handeln ökologisch verantwortungsvoll: Bewusst, achtsam, transparent und generationenübergreifend.

We think and act in an eco­lo­gi­cal­ly re­spon­si­ble man­ner: con­scious­ly, mind­ful­ly, trans­par­ent­ly and across ge­nera­ti­ons.

We are trans­forming the real es­ta­te mar­ket to pro­mo­te ra­pid car­bon neu­tra­li­ty. 

Pionee­ring spi­rit, which is vi­si­ble in our com­mit­ment and our awards


New coope­ra­ti­ons

  • Membership of DENEFF, the German Business Initiative for Energy Efficiency
  • Cooperation partner in BFW Berlin/Brandenburg e.V.
  • Awarded as kununu Top Company 

Awards and TÜV

  • PAUL Performance receives TÜV certification for automatic hydronic balancing
  • Awarded the German Real Estate Prize in the “Industry Pioneer” category
  • Winner of the Data Streaming Award as “Start-up of the year”
  • Honored as kununu Top Company

Prop­Tech Ger­ma­ny Award

  • Overall winner of the PropTech Germany Award and also in the Buildings and Energy Efficiency category
Wir schreiben Geschichte: Hier steht, was die Immobilienbranche derzeit umtreibt: Die News & Insights von PAUL, immer aktuell und informativ.

We make histo­ry

Here you can find out what is currently driving the real estate industry: News & Insights from PAUL, always up-to-date and informative.

All News & Insights
PAUL ist Mitglied des GdW.PAUL war kununu Top Company in 2023 und ist es wieder in 2024.PAUL ist Mitglied der DENEFF.PAUL ist Mitglied der ZIA.PAUL ist Mitglied im BFW.PAUL ist TÜV Rheinland zertifiziert.

PAUL Ma­nage­ment Board and Su­per­vi­so­ry Board

Sa­scha Mül­ler

PAUL CEO and Executive Board Member

“Pioneering Energy Transition!” Sascha Müller is a serial entrepreneur and pioneer of smart solutions for building energy efficiency. As an experienced banker and investment manager, he is now applying his extensive know-how in the areas of big data, IoT and AI within PAUL Tech AG and is revolutionizing the technology transition in the real estate industry with the company as a pioneer. His goal with PAUL Tech: to become the largest digital energy platform - and thus lead the entire real estate industry into a successful and, above all, sustainable future. 

Sa­scha Mül­ler

PAUL CEO and Executive Board Member

PAUL CEO und Vorstand Sascha Müller

Tho­mas Eu­s­ter­holz 

PAUL CTO and Executive Board Member

Thomas Eusterholz is a graduate engineer in automation technology and has been involved with technology and artificial intelligence his entire professional life. He was initially responsible for digitalization as managing director at well-known media service providers. Before joining PAUL, he was an independent technology consultant for digital processes at one of Germany's largest retail companies. He has been PAUL CTO and CEO since July 2022 and is driving forward the digitalization of the real estate industry with a focus on AI and efficient building technology, building automation and building management.

Tho­mas Eu­s­ter­holz 

PAUL CTO and Executive Board Member

PAUL CTO und Vorstand Thomas Eusterholz

Dr. Hanns Mar­tin Schin­de­wolf 

PAUL Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Hanns Martin Schindewolf, who holds a doctorate in business administration, was a strategy consultant at the Boston Consulting Group and global CEO of Daimler AG's insurance activities. He was previously appointed to the Management Board of AXA Versicherung AG for the property insurance business. With over 15 years of international management experience in advisory, administrative and supervisory boards, he worked for Roland Rechtsschutz Versicherungs AG, among others. For over 7 years he has concentrated on the management of advisory and supervisory boards in medium-sized companies and is active as an entrepreneur. 

Dr. Hanns Mar­tin Schin­de­wolf 

PAUL Chairman of the Supervisory Board

PAUL Vorsitzender Aufsichtsrat Dr. Hanns Martin Schindewolf.

Our lo­ca­ti­ons

Head­quar­ter PAUL Tech AG


Theodor-Heuss-Anlage 12

68165 Mannheim

Headquarter PAUL Tech AG Mannheim.



Thurn-und-Taxis-Str. 24 

90411 Nürnberg 

Paul Tech Standort Nürnberg.



Rudower Chaussee 54 

12490 Berlin

Paul Tech Standort Berlin.



Holbeinstrasse 102 

4052 Basel 

Paul Tech Standort Basel, Schweiz.


United King­dom

Duo Level 6, 280 Bishopsgate

EC2M 4RB London

Paul Tech Standort UK.



Miracle Mile Plaza 601 21st St. Ste. 300

FL 32960 Vero Beach

Paul Tech Standort USA Florida

Get in con­tact

Klaus Schmidtke

Head of Corporate Affairs / Press spokesperson

Klaus Schmidtke, Head of Corporate Affairs / Pressesprecher