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News 09.10.2024

Press re­lease: PAUL Net Zero makes exis­ting pro­per­ties CO₂-neu­tral wi­t­hout ca­pi­tal in­vest­ment

Klaus Schmidtke

Vorstandsvorsitzender Sascha Müller links Hände schüttelnd mit CEO Martin Hofmann der ZAR Real Estate auf der EXPO Real Messe in München

From left: Sascha Müller (CEO PAUL Tech) and Martin Hofmann (CEO ZAR Real Estate) at EXPO REAL 2024.

Munich, October 8, 2024 - PAUL Tech AG presented its new product PAUL Net Zero at EXPO REAL. The technology developed by the Mannheim-based greentech company makes existing properties CO₂-neutral and, unlike the usual approaches to CO₂ minimization, does not require any capital investment.

PAUL already ensures energy savings of up to 40 percent (PAUL Performance) for existing properties with AI-supported heating control. PAUL Net Zero is now implementing sector coupling with heat pumps and photovoltaic systems. The buildings become CO₂-neutral and thus significantly increase their value in view of the growing climate policy requirements. The residential real estate group Net Zero Properties S.A. has already earmarked PAUL Net Zero for 11,000 residential units. PAUL expects the joint venture between PAUL Tech AG and Net Zero Properties S.A. to receive orders for a total of around 40,000 residential units within the next 24 months. 

PAUL Net Zero crea­tes a clear win-win si­tua­ti­on for buil­ding ow­ners and ten­ants. Pro­per­ty ma­na­gers can make the leap into a cli­ma­te-neu­tral fu­ture with their pro­per­ties wi­t­hout ha­ving to in­vest their own ca­pi­tal. Ten­ants be­ne­fit in terms of an­cil­la­ry en­er­gy costs and are fu­ture-pro­ofed in the on­go­ing de­car­bo­ni­za­ti­on of the real es­ta­te sec­tor. We are also con­tri­bu­ting to a smart hea­ting tran­si­ti­on. Cli­ma­te neu­tra­li­ty with PAUL Net Zero works wi­t­hout high in­fra­st­ruc­tu­re costs, as is the case with the ex­pan­si­on of district hea­ting or the de­ve­lop­ment of hy­dro­gen gas net­works. The more de­cen­tra­li­zed so­lu­ti­ons like ours come into play, the more sustainab­ly the hea­ting tran­si­ti­on will be re­lie­ved on the cost side.

Sascha Müller, CEO PAUL Tech AG

A cen­tral con­cern of Net Zero Pro­per­ties is to in­crea­se en­er­gy ef­fi­ci­en­cy, with the aim of achie­ving car­bon neu­tra­li­ty for the pro­per­ties wi­t­hin the first two to three ye­ars. The com­pa­ny is thus ma­king an ac­tive con­tri­bu­ti­on to the im­ple­men­ta­ti­on of ESG tar­gets. In or­der to achie­ve this goal, we have ex­ami­ned va­rious op­ti­ons for our exis­ting re­si­den­ti­al pro­per­ties. Howe­ver, all of the op­ti­ons avail­ab­le on the mar­ket were too ca­pi­tal-in­ten­si­ve or too time-con­suming to im­ple­ment. With PAUL, we have gai­ned a joint ven­ture part­ner who­se con­cept of re­du­cing con­sump­ti­on, using heat pumps and so­lar tech­no­lo­gy, and all wi­t­hout ca­pi­tal in­vest­ment, con­vin­ced us.

Martin Hofmann, CEO of ZAR Real Estate Holding GmbH & Co. KG, which has been mandated by Net Zero Properties S.A. as exclusive investment advisor

PAUL Net Zero is based on the AI-supported energy saving of PAUL Performance and makes practically every property energy self-sufficient with the help of heat pumps and photovoltaic systems. The coordinated use of high-performance heat pumps and photovoltaic systems controls the property's entire heating system and makes it permanently CO₂-neutral. There are no investment costs for the customer and PAUL takes care of the planning, subsequent maintenance and optimization. The customer is guaranteed a price per kilowatt hour for ten years that is one cent below the price offered by the local district heating provider.

PAUL Tech AG is a technology leader and specialist in the digital transformation of the real estate industry. As an energy platform, the company develops innovative technologies and solutions to minimize CO₂ emissions from properties while maximizing their value. PAUL uses artificial intelligence to make existing buildings climate-friendly with minimal investment and no loss of comfort for residents. Investors and operators rely on PAUL to make their properties fit for the future and competitive. PAUL currently supports over 160 companies in the real estate industry with around 160,000 residential units.


Press contact
Klaus Schmidtke

Head of Corporate Affairs / Press spokesperson

Phone +49 151 46680605
E-Mail:  klaus.schmidtke@paul.tech

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