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News 06.03.2025

PAUL Tech in the Rem­schei­der Stadt­post: Ef­fi­ci­en­cy pri­mus in just four weeks

Klaus Schmidtke

PAUL Tech in der Remscheider Stadtpost: Effizienz-Primus in nur vier Wochen

In Remscheid, an unrenovated old building became CO₂-neutral in record time thanks to PAUL. The combination of heat pump, photovoltaics and AI-supported heating control drastically reduces energy consumption and makes the building fit for the heating transition. Thanks to the efficient implementation in just four weeks, the project sets standards for sustainable refurbishment and increases the value of the property at the same time.

With PAUL Net Zero, we turn exis­ting buil­dings into cli­ma­te-fri­end­ly pro­per­ties of the fu­ture – sustainab­ly and af­ford­a­b­ly.

Sascha Müller, CEO PAUL Tech AG

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