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News 21.03.2025

PAUL Tech goes on the of­fen­si­ve as a heat sup­plier and streng­t­hens its Ma­nage­ment Board

Klaus Schmidtke

Mannheim, 20. März 2025 - Die PAUL Tech AG hat Thomas Körfer als Vorstand Technologie und Patrick Weiden als Vorstand Finanzen berufen. Damit erweitert sich das bestehende Vorstandsteam um Sascha Müller (Vorstandsvorsitzender) sowie Oliver Schwager (Vorstand Operations) und Thomas Eusterholz (bisher Vorstand Technologie, künftig Digitales).

PAUL Tech AG has appointed Thomas Körfer (pictured right) as Chief Technology Officer and Patrick Weiden (pictured left) as Chief Financial Officer. This expands the existing Management Board team to include Sascha Müller (CEO), Oliver Schwager (Chief Operations Officer) and Thomas Eusterholz (previously Chief Technology Officer, in future Chief Digital Officer). With this step, PAUL is preparing for a significant growth phase in the course of the product expansion with PAUL Net Zero, which will lead the company into a new role as a heating provider.

In view of the growing challenges, the former Technology division will be split into two departments: Hardware Development and IT Administration will remain the responsibility of Thomas Eusterholz. Thomas Körfer will be responsible for Think Tank, Data Science & AI, UX, IoT and Framework Development as well as DevOps. He brings over 15 years of experience in digital transformation and data-driven IT solutions, most recently as Managing Director at BCG Platinion. 

The hea­ting tran­si­ti­on needs tech­no­lo­gy as an ac­ce­le­ra­tor. With our in­no­va­ti­ve AI for con­trol­ling our heat pump and heat dis­tri­bu­ti­on in buil­dings, we will open a new chap­ter in in­tel­li­gent and sustainab­le heat sup­ply. I look for­ward to dri­ving this de­ve­lop­ment for­ward with my team.

Thomas Körfer, CTO PAUL Tech AG

In view of the company's ambitious growth targets, the Finance division will be expanded into a new Management Board department and Patrick Weiden will be appointed Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

Patrick Weiden has over 20 years of experience in investment banking, financing, investor relations and M&A. Most recently, he was a member of the Executive Board of an SDAX company. 

I am de­light­ed to be able to ac­com­pa­ny PAUL in this ex­ci­ting pha­se of trans­for­ma­ti­on and growth. The sca­la­bi­li­ty of our busi­ness mo­del com­bi­ned with the sta­ble cash flows from heat sup­ply of­fers an ex­ci­ting sto­ry for equi­ty and debt in­ves­tors.

Patrick Weiden, CFO PAUL Tech AG

PAUL Tech AG, based in Mannheim, Germany, makes existing properties green and valuable. With our AI-supported PAUL Net Zero technology, we transform buildings into energy-efficient, climate-friendly investments - and increase their returns in the process. Through the intelligent combination of heat pumps, photovoltaics and digital control, our customers achieve the highest energy efficiency classes and meet future ESG requirements. As a partner to leading real estate companies, we are already supporting 160,000 residential units on their way to a sustainable future. 

PAUL is at a de­cisi­ve point in its de­ve­lop­ment from en­er­gy ef­fi­ci­en­cy ex­pert to hea­ting pro­vi­der. We are lea­ding re­si­den­ti­al buil­dings into a cli­ma­te-neu­tral fu­ture, ma­king them at­trac­tive to in­ves­tors. The­re is li­vely de­mand for this and the or­ga­ni­za­ti­on is re­po­si­tio­ning its­elf for this growth spurt. Tho­mas Kör­fer and Pa­trick Wei­den bring pre­cise­ly the ex­per­ti­se that PAUL needs in this trans­for­ma­ti­on pha­se. I am de­light­ed that we have been able to re­cruit two such ex­pe­ri­en­ced and in­no­va­ti­ve de­si­gners for the­se chal­len­ges.

Sascha Müller, CEO PAUL Tech AG

Press contact

Klaus Schmidtke
Head of Corporate Affairs / Press spokesman
Theodor-Heuss-Anlage 12
68165 Mannheim
Mobile phone  +49 151 46680605
E-Mail:  klaus.schmidtke@paul.tech

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