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Events 13.08.2024

PAUL at the Han­dels­blatt Con­fe­rence "En­er­gi­zing Real Es­ta­te," Sep­tem­ber 12th-13th, 2024

Jasmin Eckert

"KI macht Bestandsgebäude grün", so lautete der Gastbeitrag von Sascha Müller auf der Handelsblatt Tagung "Energizing Real Estate", 12.09. - 13.09.2024

The energy transition can only succeed in collaboration with the real estate industry.

Significant potential and many challenges of the energy transition are directly or indirectly tied to real estate.

From the integration of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or geothermal energy into districts and buildings, to the development of intelligent energy supply systems, and even the planning of innovative energy solutions.

One thing is clear: only together can the energy and real estate sectors achieve these goals. The Handelsblatt offers this event as a "round table" to develop solutions together and learn from each other.

More information about the event


Let's talk about PAUL Net Zero – get in touch now

Our com­pa­ny sets new stan­dards in CO2 re­duc­tion for exis­ting buil­dings – we com­bi­ne ad­van­ced AI tech­no­lo­gies with ex­ten­si­ve tech­ni­cal ex­per­ti­se, ma­king us uni­que and un­ri­va­led.

Sascha Müller, CEO PAUL Tech AG

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