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Events 01.08.2024

PAUL at the Fu­ture Real Es­ta­te Sum­mit En­er­gy & Heat, Sep­tem­ber 11th-12th, 2024

Jasmin Eckert

Expertinnen und Experten aus Politik, Wissenschaft sowie der Immobilien- und Energiewirtschaft diskutieren beim diesjährigen Future Real Estate Energie & Wärme in Magdeburg.

The increasing demands for energy efficiency are putting pressure on the real estate industry. The majority of greenhouse gas emissions in the real estate sector arise from energy and heat production during ongoing building operations. To meet Germany's climate goals, the federal government enacted the Building Energy Act (GEG) and the new Municipal Heat Planning Act in early 2024. Experts from politics, science, as well as the real estate and energy sectors will discuss the impacts these laws have on the industry, how the transition to renewable energy can be achieved, and how property owners and citizens can be involved at this year's Future Real Estate Energy & Heat in Magdeburg.

More information about the event


Let's talk about PAUL Net Zero – get in touch now

We need to move away from ideo­lo­gi­cal de­ba­tes and fo­cus on prag­ma­tic, eco­no­mic so­lu­ti­ons. Tech­no­lo­gies al­rea­dy exist that make it pos­si­ble to op­ti­mi­ze exis­ting buil­dings cost-ef­fec­tively while drasti­cal­ly re­du­cing CO₂ emis­si­ons. By using ar­ti­fi­ci­al in­tel­li­gence and in­tel­li­gent con­trol sys­tems, we can si­gni­fi­cant­ly in­crea­se the ef­fi­ci­en­cy of exis­ting hea­ting and hot wa­ter sys­tems, for examp­le.

Mathias Neumann, CSO PAUL Tech AG

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