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News 16.10.2024

Lord Ma­yor Chris­ti­an Specht vi­sits PAUL Tech

Jasmin Eckert

Der Oberbürgermeister zu Gast bei PAUL neben Sascha Müller und Maiko Dufner

On October 10, 2024, we welcomed the Lord Mayor of Mannheim, Christian Specht, to our PAUL headquarters at Theodor-Heuss-Anlage. The visit focused on the heating transition in municipalities such as Mannheim and how PAUL Tech can support this with technology and innovation.  

Mannheim has ambitious climate targets and wants to become a climate-neutral city by 2030. The Lord Mayor praised the role of the company and emphasized that PAUL Tech is “an important partner in the energy-efficient design of the heat supply in buildings”. “Their success is our success!” said Lord Mayor Specht. This underlines the strategic importance of the heating transition for the city and its ambitions. 


I am very plea­sed to meet PAUL Tech to­day, a com­pa­ny that not only stands for growth in our city, but also for real tech­no­lo­gi­cal in­no­va­ti­on. PAUL Tech is ma­king a key con­tri­bu­ti­on to ma­king the heat sup­ply in buil­dings more eco­no­mi­c­al and eco­lo­gi­cal. With this tech­no­lo­gy, we are lay­ing an im­portant buil­ding block for a gree­ner fu­ture for our city.

Christian Specht, Lord Mayor of the City of Mannheim

As a com­pa­ny lo­ca­ti­on with its in­fra­st­ruc­tu­re, Mann­heim of­fers us the ide­al ba­sis for fur­ther growth. With al­most 200 em­ployees al­rea­dy, we want to ex­pand fur­ther here and see our­sel­ves as an in­te­gral part of re­gio­nal eco­no­mic de­ve­lop­ment. To­day's vi­sit by Lord Ma­yor Specht is a po­si­ti­ve si­gnal for coope­ra­ti­on and the joint path to the hea­ting tran­si­ti­on.

Sascha Müller, founder and CEO of PAUL Tech AG

The city of Mannheim, which has already been awarded the “EU Mission Label“, sees its collaboration with innovative companies such as PAUL Tech as an important step towards achieving the climate targets it has set itself. The municipal heating plan envisages a complete decarbonization of the heating supply by 2040. PAUL Tech is seen as a key partner here, making a significant contribution to developing sustainable and economically viable solutions that will reduce the city's carbon footprint in the long term.

Video (German): Lord Mayor Christian Specht visits PAUL Tech

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