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News 22.02.2025

In­no­va­ti­on in prac­tice: PAUL Net Zero im­pres­ses ex­perts from po­li­tics and in­dus­try net­work

Jasmin Eckert

Am Mittwoch, 19.02.2025, durften wir erneut Branchenexperten in unserem Haus begrüßen: Konrad Stockmeier (FDP, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages) und Ute Czylwik (Leitung Energieeffizienz in Gebäuden, DENEFF e.V.) zeigten großes Interesse an unserem Unternehmen und unserer innovativen Lösung PAUL Net Zero.

On Wednesday, 19th February 2025, we once again welcomed experts to our premises: Konrad Stockmeier (FDP) and Ute Czylwik (Head of Energy Efficiency in Buildings, DENEFF e.V.) showed great interest in our company and our innovative PAUL Net Zero solution. 

Sascha Müller, CEO of PAUL Tech AG, personally welcomed the guests and guided them through a comprehensive presentation of our company. It became clear that Mannheim, as a city of inventors, is not only the ideal founding location but also the perfect site for future growth – a place where innovation and tradition harmoniously coexist. He provided in-depth insights into PAUL Net Zero – our AI-powered technology that leads existing properties to CO₂ neutrality while significantly enhancing their economic value.

Mann­heim, as the foun­ding city of PAUL, con­ti­nues to be the ide­al lo­ca­ti­on for our growth, as it unites in­no­va­ti­on and tra­di­ti­on. Here, we can op­ti­mal­ly de­ve­lop our tech­no­lo­gies for CO₂ re­duc­tion in the buil­ding sec­tor – and also con­tri­bu­te lo­cal­ly to the hea­ting tran­si­ti­on.

Sascha Müller, CEO PAUL Tech AG

The expert opinions impressively confirmed our approach: Konrad Stockmeier pointed out in his remarks that attractive corporate taxation and simplified skilled immigration processes are essential prerequisites for retaining capital and international talent in Germany.

The­re is still too much bu­reau­cra­cy and over­ly com­pli­ca­ted ru­les in the pro­per­ty sec­tor. It is also the case that the Ger­man Hea­ting Act con­tains a lot of good things. But we can also re­mo­ve cer­tain re­gu­la­ti­ons to make it ea­sier to im­ple­ment. So we are al­rea­dy on the right track and can im­pro­ve. And we should tack­le this in the next le­gis­la­ti­ve pe­ri­od in a cou­ra­ge­ous and non-par­ti­san coope­ra­ti­ve man­ner.

Konrad Stockmeier, FDP

Ute Czylwik emphasized the significant added value of easily implementable technologies for efficiency improvements in the building sector. These perspectives highlight how PAUL Net Zero, as a practical and economical solution, specifically addresses current market challenges and thus makes a decisive contribution to the energy transition.


Let's talk about PAUL Net Zero – get in touch now

PAUL Tech is de­fi­ni­te­ly a very good examp­le. Tha­t's why I'm also very plea­sed that PAUL­Tech is a mem­ber of DEN­EFF, which can make of­fers ea­sier and fa­ci­li­ta­te in­vest­ments and thus also bring a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent pace into the ef­fi­ci­en­cy re­pu­blic of Ger­ma­ny. And so yes, PAUL Tech is a good examp­le. 

Ute Czylwik (Head of Energy Efficiency in Buildings, DENEFF e.V.)

In our video: Konrad Stockmeier and Ute Czylwik showed great interest in our company and our innovative PAUL Net Zero solution. (GERMAN)

In the video: Konrad Stockmeier and Sascha Müller on the Mannheim location and the importance of experts from abroad (GERMAN)

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