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News 08.10.2024

Im­mo­bi­li­en Zei­tung about PAUL Tech: World pre­mie­re with sec­tor cou­pling for cli­ma­te neu­tra­li­ty

Jasmin Eckert

PAUL Tech in der Immobilien Zeitung

On October 7, 2024, Immobilien Zeitung published a comprehensive article about PAUL Tech and our pioneering role in the field of building technology. A central topic of the article is our world premiere at EXPO REAL, where we presented our latest innovation PAUL Net Zero. This technology enables the networking and optimization of various energy sectors and offers a concrete solution to put buildings on the path to climate neutrality.

The article highlights how our solution significantly reduces CO₂ emissions in existing properties while maximizing their value. In the context of the industry's current climate targets and the pressing requirements of the heating transition, PAUL Tech offers innovative and practical approaches that reconcile ecological progress and economic efficiency.

Learn more about our strategies to transform the real estate industry and make it climate neutral in the full version of the article. 

Read the full article here (German)


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