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Insights 12.03.2025

Heat pumps: The most ef­fi­ci­ent and eco­no­mi­c­al hea­ting so­lu­ti­on

Marc Pion

Wärmepumpen: Die effizienteste und wirtschaftlichste Heizlösung für Mehrfamilienhäuser

Choosing the right heating system is a key factor for the energy transition in the building sector. Particularly in large apartment buildings, property owners need to find a sustainable and economical alternative to fossil fuel heating technologies. Heat pumps offer clear advantages over gas and hydrogen heating systems in terms of efficiency, costs and environmental compatibility.


Greater efficiency through the use of ambient heat

Heat pumps work according to the principle of environmental heat utilization. They extract energy from air, water or the ground and convert it into heat using electricity. This results in a high annual coefficient of performance (COP) of 3 to 5, which means that up to five kWh of heat can be generated from one kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity.

In comparison, the generation of heating energy using hydrogen is extremely inefficient. Considerable amounts of energy are lost in the production, storage and transportation of green hydrogen. The overall process requires six to ten times more electricity than the direct use of heat pumps.

Gas heating systems also perform poorly in terms of efficiency. They use fossil fuels directly, which leads to CO₂ emissions and is increasingly associated with regulatory costs.


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Cost-effectiveness: heat pumps are cheaper in the long term

Heat pumps are already proving to be the most economical heating solution in the private sector. The consulting firm co2online has calculated that the total operating costs of a new gas heating system over a period of 20 years amount to 78,800 euros, while an air heat pump only costs 37,550 euros over the same period. A major cost driver is the rising CO₂ price on fossil fuels, which, according to forecasts, could rise to 250 euros per tonne of CO₂ by 2040 and 300 euros per tonne of CO₂ by 2045.

In addition, network charges for the gas network will rise as more households switch to climate-neutral alternatives. From 2029, new gas heating systems will also have to use more expensive biogas, which will further increase operating costs. Long-term profitability will therefore increasingly be determined by energy costs and not just the purchase costs.



Hydrogen as an alternative?

Green hydrogen remains uneconomical as a heating solution. The high production and infrastructure costs as well as the low efficiency make it unsuitable for the building sector. Experts assume that hydrogen will primarily be used in industry and heavy goods vehicles instead of playing a key role in the building sector. Especially in industrial sectors such as chemicals or steel, hydrogen is indispensable for climate-neutral production, whereas burning it would be a waste.


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Pro­per­ty ow­ners and in­ves­tors should de­fi­ni­te­ly in­vest now in a long-term sustainab­le and eco­no­mi­c­al­ly via­ble hea­ting so­lu­ti­on, and PAUL Net Zero is ide­al for this.

Sascha Müller, CEO PAUL Tech AG

Also technically suitable for older existing properties

Modern heat pump systems are able to efficiently cover the heating requirements of even large apartment buildings. The combination of several heat pumps (cascade operation) can achieve heating outputs in the megawatt range and thus represent a fully-fledged alternative to existing gas heating systems. In addition, heat pumps can be easily integrated into district and local heating networks, further increasing their flexibility.

Technical integration is also an important factor for older existing properties in particular. Studies show that several heat pumps connected in series also work very efficiently in old buildings. This is also illustrated by our current project in Remscheid: in an unrenovated residential building built in 1951, we were able to reduce the flow temperature from 70 °C to 53 °C and significantly improve the energy efficiency class from E to A.



Heat pumps as a clear solution for the future

Heat pumps are the most efficient, economical and environmentally friendly heating solution for apartment buildings. Compared to gas heating systems, they offer significantly lower operating costs and make properties independent of rising CO₂ prices and fossil fuel costs. Compared to hydrogen heating systems, they offer much better energy efficiency and lower infrastructure costs. The investment costs in our smart sector coupling of heat pumps, photovoltaics and AI-controlled heating control PAUL Net Zero are also minimal, as all hardware and components are provided by PAUL.


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