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Insights 18.03.2025

Heat pumps, pho­to­vol­taics and AI as part of buil­ding au­to­ma­ti­on

Marc Pion

dena: Wärmepumpen, Photovoltaik und KI als Teil der Gebäudeautomation

The new dossier “Energy efficiency through building automation” from the German Energy Agency dena shows that digitalization and intelligent control technology are key levers for reducing energy consumption and optimizing building efficiency.

Energy efficiency and sustainability are becoming increasingly important in the modern real estate industry. For real estate investors, it is not only ecological aspects that are relevant, but also the economic benefits that can be achieved through intelligent building automation. PAUL Net Zero offers an innovative solution that integrates state-of-the-art technologies such as heat pumps, photovoltaic systems and artificial intelligence (AI) into building automation.



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Heat pumps in building automation 


  • Heat pumps ensure a considerable reduction in primary energy consumption.
  • Heat pumps use environmental heat from the air, water or ground and increase efficiency through intelligent control systems.
  • Control via building automation systems enables demand-oriented use, which reduces operating costs and balances out peak loads.
  • Heat pumps can be combined with other systems, such as photovoltaic systems or storage units, in order to use self-generated electricity directly for the heat supply.
  • Building automation can optimize the energy flow between power generation, power storage and power consumption.
  • Sensors and smart controls can be used to continuously monitor the heat pump, allowing malfunctions to be detected at an early stage and maintenance to be optimized.
  • Adaptive heating strategies reduce unnecessary energy consumption, for example by incorporating time-of-day profiles or weather forecasts into the control system.




Photovoltaics in building automation


  • Photovoltaics enable the electricity generated to be used directly to operate heat pumps in a grid-friendly manner.
  • Building automation prioritizes self-consumption, reduces grid loads and can control load shifts to reduce costs.
  • AI-supported control can predict the solar yield and intelligently switch on consumers such as heat pumps or storage units.
  • Smart algorithms automatically decide whether electricity should be stored, fed into the grid or used for current operations.
  • Automated control enables buildings with photovoltaic systems to store surplus electricity or release it specifically for consumers.
  • Dynamic load adjustment ensures optimum use of renewable energy in the building. 



Let's talk about PAUL Net Zero – get in touch now

Collec­ting con­sump­ti­on data is ex­tre­me­ly im­portant in or­der to know exac­t­ly what is hap­pe­ning whe­re in my pro­per­ty. Only then can I de­ci­de whe­ther I can chan­ge so­me­thing mys­elf or whe­ther I need out­si­de ex­per­ti­se to in­ter­pret the data.

Iris Hagdorn, Head of Sustainability, HIH Real Estate

Artificial intelligence (AI) in building automation  


  • AI can enable learning processes in buildings by recognizing patterns in consumption behaviour and automatically implementing energy-saving measures.
  • Adaptive algorithms control the heating based on occupancy data, weather forecasts and user behavior.
  • Building automation with AI monitors systems in real time and identifies anomalies at an early stage.
  • This minimizes maintenance work, reduces operating costs and prevents breakdowns.
  • AI links the data from heat pumps, photovoltaics, storage systems and the power grid to optimize the entire energy infrastructure.
  • This creates flexibility options to optimize grid feed-in, cost optimization and environmental friendliness. 


Heat pumps, photovoltaics and AI-controlled heating systems such as PAUL Net Zero offer enormous potential for increasing efficiency and sustainable energy use. Real estate investment companies, property owners, operators and even tenants benefit from lower energy costs, increased operational safety and improved ESG standards.

The automation of energy flows in buildings forms the basis for climate-neutral properties and helps to meet legal requirements (e.g. according to the GEG and the EU taxonomy). The smart networking of innovative technologies such as PAUL Net Zero not only makes buildings more energy-efficient, but also more economical and future-proof. 



Let's talk about PAUL Net Zero – get in touch now

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