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Insights 07.02.2025

De­car­bo­ni­za­ti­on of Real Es­ta­te: A stra­te­gic im­pe­ra­ti­ve for in­ves­tors?

Jasmin Eckert

Der Gebäudesektor verfehlt seine Klimaschutzziele weiterhin. Zwischen 2021 und 2023 sanken die Treibhausgas-Emissionen zwar, doch dieser Rückgang reicht bei weitem nicht aus, um die ambitionierten Klimaziele für 2030 zu erreichen.

Climate Protection Goals in the building sector: A 6.5-fold acceleration required 


The latest biennial assessment from the Expert Council on Climate Issues  (German) reveals a sobering situation: the building sector continues to fall short of its climate protection targets. While greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 2.6% between 2021 and 2023—from 116.2 to 113.3 million tonnes of CO₂ equivalent—this reduction is far from sufficient to meet the ambitious 2030 climate goals.  
The analysis presents a clear imperative for action: to achieve the climate target of 65% reduction by 2030, the reduction rate would need to increase from the current -1.3 to -8.3 million tonnes of CO₂ equivalent per year. This represents a 6.5-fold acceleration of decarbonization efforts! 


What does this mean for real estate investors? 

Investors face a strategic crossroads: transform or risk value depreciation. The figures clearly demonstrate that existing properties without fundamental energy modernization could become high-risk investments. However, this challenge simultaneously presents a unique opportunity for value creation and risk minimization.

While po­li­ti­ci­ans and tra­di­tio­nal real es­ta­te com­pa­nies are of­ten too slow to re­act, we show that in­no­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gies al­rea­dy of­fer fe­a­si­ble so­lu­ti­ons to dri­ve for­ward the hea­ting tran­si­ti­on.

Sascha Müller, CEO PAUL Tech AG

Strategic advantages for investors 

This is where PAUL Net Zero comes in – not as a marketing tool, but as a strategic response to the complex challenges of the real estate market. The technology combines ecological necessity with economic rationality. The decarbonization of buildings is more than just a compliance requirement; it is a key to value appreciation. Through targeted technological interventions, energy efficiency ratings can be significantly improved and operating costs sustainably reduced. 


Technology as a solution 

Our AI-powered solution enables precise transformation: heat pumps, photovoltaic systems, and intelligent control systems are merged into a holistic concept. The result after installation is real estate that not only meets stringent climate protection requirements but is also economically optimized.

De­car­bo­ni­za­ti­on must be seen as a stra­te­gic com­pe­ti­ti­ve ad­van­ta­ge. Sit­ting out the heat tran­si­ti­on tar­gets is no lon­ger an op­ti­on. We of­fer pro­per­ty ow­ners and in­ves­tors the op­por­tu­ni­ty to act proac­tively and at the same time be­ne­fit from the ad­van­ta­ges of mo­dern, CO₂-re­du­cing tech­no­lo­gies.

Sascha Müller, CEO PAUL Tech AG

The following facts highlight the potential: Just one month after commissioning one of our pilot projects in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany), we recorded a significant efficiency improvement: 

  • The flow temperature was reduced from 70°C to 53°C
  • the property's energy efficiency rating was substantially improved from E to A


Source note: Expert Council on Climate Issues (2025): Biennial Assessment 2024. Assessment of Current Developments in Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Trends in Annual Total Emissions and Annual Emission Quantities, and Effectiveness of Measures (pursuant to Section 12 Paragraph 4 of the Federal Climate Protection Act). 

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